Friday, January 6, 2012

New for 2012...start a BLOG

So hello blogging world!!!!  My name is Margaret or Marge or Mom. I am a new mom to a gorgeous little girl named Kealey. I'm currently a stay at home mom due to the rise in unemployment in the fantastic state of South Carolina. I figured while I'm at home playing with the princess,sending out resumes, washing bottles,checking my bank account to make sure it's not in the negative,playing on pinterest and then working on a variety of crafts...I figured "Why not write a blog?"

In the past four months since Kealey was born, I have truly loved the fact that I'm a mom. I turned 30 last May(while I was pregnant) and this is the one thing I had wanted more than anything in life...just didn't turn out like the fairy tales your parents read you when you're little. My situation was that of just a friend with benefits and I was okay with that. Then the inevitable happened and it was kind of a sign. I was pregnant. So there I was 29,hooking up with guy that didn't want a relationship and pregnant. Everything under the sun went through my mind. Keep the baby. Don't keep the baby. How to tell my parents,family,friends and co-workers. Most importantly how to tell the guy.

After the initial shock of me,the oldest of 4 children,catholic family,single and pregnant wore off the excitement and anticipation began. I was gonna do this better than any other single woman ever had. However I didn't anticipate the hardships,mood swings and life tasks that went with this. At 4 months pregnant I found myself searching for a new job. The old job decided they didn't need me anymore. Swell. This lead to a downward spiral of finding a job while being pregnant,hence how I ended back up in the wonderful world of retail. Just what every pregnant woman wants to do, stand for hours at a time,in a store with limited air conditioning,when the heat index outside is 115degrees!! So when it was time to fill out the paperwork for maternity leave I had already decided to take as long as they'd let me. However the store I worked for left out a VERY important piece of information,since I had been hired in April and Kealey was due August 30th, I wouldn't have a  paid maternity leave or guaranteed my job when I returned. No maternity leave. No optional FMLA. In other words, have a baby,come back to work in a week.No way was I gonna do that. I left work the Friday before my due date of August 30th. This of course meant that my bundle of sassiness took her sweet time coming into the world. She was born September 6th.

So after I had been cleared to work at my 6 week appointment,mind you I came home from the hospital alone and drove to Knoxville a 3 1/2 hour drive with a 10 day old,alone.I called my previous employer as instructed to do when I was ready to come back to work. To my surprise they had NO openings available. So this brings me to where I am now. I'm now a stay at home mom. I had always wanted to be one. When I was little,I would tell people I wanted to be like my mommy. She stayed at home,made sure we had clean clothes,packed our lunches,went to PTA meetings,baked cupcakes for the school bake sale and went on our field trips with us. That is what I had always envisioned mommyhood to look like. Maybe I'm worried that Kealey won't grow up to say she wants to be like her mommy Now here I am,having to find a job and find someone to watch my child. Kealey turned 4 months today and I have been with her all but maybe 2 days since she was put in my arms. She has completed my life in more ways than she will ever know...

This single sassy mom has lots more stories to tell....just hope that others want to read them.
